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Artists \ total 609

Colin Meloy

1 album

Conor Oberst

9 albums

Corrinne May

2 albums

Craig Cardiff

4 albums

Damien Jurado

20 albums

Damien Rice

12 albums

Dan Bull

1 album

Dan Mangan

9 albums

Dana Glover

1 album

Daniel Johnston

19 albums

Daniel Wylie

6 albums

Dar Williams

13 albums

David Byrne

23 albums

David Gray

38 albums

Dean Owens

10 albums

Dear Nora

4 albums

Deer Tick

11 albums


11 albums

Denison Witmer

9 albums


17 albums

Diane Birch

5 albums

DM Stith

2 albums

Dominique A

14 albums

Drake Bell

7 albums

Duke Special

15 albums

Dustin Kensrue

6 albums

Ed Harcourt

24 albums

Edith Backlund

2 albums

Edith Frost

5 albums

Edwyn Collins

12 albums

Eliot Morris

1 album

Elliott Smith

24 albums


12 albums

Elvis Perkins

10 albums

Emma Dean

1 album


1 album

Eric Bachmann

2 albums

Erin McCarley

2 albums

Erin McKeown

5 albums

Ernie Halter

2 albums


6 albums


12 albums


16 albums

Finley Quaye

12 albums

Fiona Apple

9 albums

Fionn Regan

6 albums

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